yoga for babies
10. – 12. 5. 2024 | level 1
18. – 19. 5. 2024 | level 2 + 3
SVČ Lužánky, Solniční | Brno
What is the training about?
This training will benefit professionals working in the fields of infant health, occupational therapy, physical therapy, dance/movement therapy, yoga, somatic therapy, craniosacral therapy, somatic psychology, birth psychology, early intervention, pediatrics, post partum doula, & baby nursing to name a few.
The training focuses on work with babies from pre conception through the fetal period, and birth on up to the development of the spine, feet, nervous system, and brain. We correlate yoga poses to the developmental movement components of tummy time, side lying, rolling, creeping, crawling, sitting in vertical pushing to stand, & walking. There is a strong emphasis on infant anatomical development. We will consider fetal and birth imprints in our training and how to accommodate these along with how fetal or birth trauma can impact development in body and mind.

Theory and practice
We will have daily practice of developmental movement using ideokinesis, games, & observation. There will be daily theoretical presentations and discussions.
Sample class
There will be a sample baby class for all students
to observe.
Manual and certification
All participants will receive manuals in Czech &
receive a Certificate of Completion with full attendance and
participation in the training.
Translation to Czech
The training is in English with Czech translation.
More about Ellynne Skove

Ellynne Skove is from the United States. She is a New York state
licensed Movement therapist, nationally certified counselor, yoga
teacher focusing in Pre and Perinatal Pscyhology and Health. She has worked for over 30 years with pregnant women, parents, babies, children, and adults. Ellynne studied developmental
movement/Dynamic Anatomy with the late Nancy Topf for 15 years, Body/Mind Centering, Brain Gym and Yoga for the Special Child. She received her 200 hour yoga teacher certification from OM Yoga and studied PreNatal Yoga with Ma Yoga & Janice Clarfield, Mommy & Me Yoga with Jyohti Larson. She is recently certified in Baby Wearing, and as a Breastfeeding Counselor.
Additionally, Ellynne mentors students in Pre & Perinatal Eduation through APPPAH, and facilitates a monthly international discussion group on pre and perinatal topics. She is on the board of directors for APPPAH, the international Association for Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Health.
She has presented programs in developmental movement, yoga, and polarity therapy for The American Dance Therapy Association, The American Polarity Therapy Association, The Association for Pre & Perinatal Psychology & Health, Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy Association, Child Light Yoga, Druna, Omega Institute, and The Lotus Project’s production of Eve Ensler’s, The Vagina Monologues.
Additionally, over the past two decades, Ellynne has served as a
consultant and faculty member for numerous New York City schools specializing in early intervention and special education. She supervises graduate students from Pratt, Antioch, and Sarah Lawrence Colleges.
Ellynne teaches professional trainings in The Czech Republic as well as the U.S.A. Ellynne has presented at the NYC Museum of
Motherhood and has been a guest member of the NGOs, OMEAP, CEPPS, at the United Nations. Ellynne is a strong proponent of prenatal communication, and conscious parenting. She is available for pregnancy and fertility counseling, as well as prenatal bonding, bodywork, and birth trauma resolution.
Ellynne chaired the 2012, 2013, & 2021 International Birth Psychology Congresses.
Professional Affiliations: New York Perinatal Assoc. (NYSPA),
Coalition to Improve Maternity Services (CIMS), Association for Pre & Perinatal Psychology & Health (APPPAH), American Polarity Therapy Assoc.(APTA), American Dance Therapy Assoc.(ADTA), Nationally Certified Counselors (NCC), and Help, Understand, Guide Your Baby (HUG)
How the course looks practically?
10. – 12. 5. 2024 (Friday – Sunday) | level 1
(premobile babies)
18. – 19. 5. 2024 (Saturday – Sunday) | level 2 and 3
(mobile babies and toddlers up to 18 months)
9:30 am – 18 pm | with lunch break
SVČ Lužánky, Solniční 12, Brno
Level 1 | 9000,- | later 9800,- CZK
Level 2+3 | 7000,- | later 7800,- CZK
Level 1+2+3 | 15 000,- | later 16600,- CZK
Price for Early Birds is for reservation and paymet 50% of price till 15. 3. 2024
To attend mobile babies training (level 2+3) a student must have either studied with Ellyne before or take level one foundation training.
Private session with Ellynne Skove
Ellynne Skove (USA) is offering private session during her stay in Brno. Ellynne has over 35 years in practice as a licensed somatic psyhchotherapist and developmental movement specialist.
She is known for her help with slow to develop babies and those who have experienced difficulty with their children (asthma, colic, anger, lack of connection) due to conception, prenatal, or birth trauma. Ellynne has seen numerous clients in Prague & Brno since 2010, helping mothers to reconnect to their children after difficult circumstances that prevented them from having an optimal pregnancy or birth.
Session are 90 minutes long and in English. If you are interested. please make a reservation and pay a deposit. If you wish to discuss more with Ellynne before, a zoom meeting can be arranged. Cash payment please. Price is 1500,- to 3000,- CZK.

Is the course resonating with you? Make a reservation.
Can I do workshop with my baby?
No, sorry. There will be your full attantion needed at the workshop. Kids are welcome only at demo class.
What if I cannot attand the couse at last minute?
Deposite is not refundable. But you can find someone else, who will attand our course.
Can I do workshop when I am pregnant?
Yes, you can just few activitites we will adapt.

Alice Mičunek
yoga teacher for women, mom
I am happy to organize this wonderful teacher´s training with Ellynne. Thanks to Jitka Balašová from Jako doma studio for giving me this opportunity take care of such a great project.
I am here to help you with all questions. If you have anything what I can help with, just let me know. I will be with you also during all training in Brno.
Contact | phone: +420 732 818 514 | mail: